- Stabilize the situation and determine the cause of the leak if possible. Take pictures before drying out the damage. If an owner does not respond to a water leak or give maintenance access to their unit within the prescribed time limits of being contacted, MSS Management will call a locksmith at the owner’s expense to gain access. A plumber will also be called to do the repairs. The owner will be responsible for the plumbing bill, all damages to any units and/or common areas and for employee hours used to trace the leak. If there is an emergency water leak going on, MSS maintenance will go in inunediately whether access is granted by the tenant, owner, agent or locksmith. Maintenance is authorized to cut an inspection hole(s) in any unit(s) where needed to trace where the leak is coming from. The owner responsible for the leak will be required to repair/replace inspection hole(s) within 24 hours. Prescribed time limits are as followes for various levels of water leaks.
- 8 hours: Minor/slow drip.
- 4 hours: Constant/fast drip.
- 1 hour/immediate: Gushes of water (MSS maintenance will shut off water to the stack).
- Notify Property Manager of all leaks.
- If damage is estimated to be under the $25,000 (contained to one unit might be a good guideline) Association Property Insurance Deductible, inform the owners to notify their insurance if one of their units was responsible and proceed to get a repair estimate. If the Association is responsible get a repair estimate once dry out is complete. In either case DO NOT complete repairs nntil an estimate is received. After we receive the estimate we may need to
proceed to D. - Notify Sue Savio so that she can open a claim and send an adjuster out. Once the deductible has been met the association should be getting involved.
- If in doubt, STOP after #2 above.
- Owners are encouraged to install water shut off valves when doing plumbing repairs. Main shutoff valve for the unit is critical.
- Staff time is $50.00 for the first hour to trace a water leak and $25.00 per additional employee hour.
Hawaii Law holds the association responsible, so notifying the insurance once the deductible is cleared is VERY IMPORTANT!!! The association or the damaged owner can then try to collect the deductible from the unit owner where the damage originated. In the past repairs have been completed before the insurance was notified thus the insurance company declined to cover. This has cost the association at least an estimated $70,000.00.