Main Entry Door Louver Installation Guidelines
Owners may install a Fusible Link Fire Rated Door Louver in the lower center portion of the main entry door. A spring-loaded fusible link locks the blades closed if the temperature reaches 167° F. Louvers allow air to circulate through doors while maintaining safety and privacy.
- Obtain a Permit from City and County Planning and Permitting Office at (808) 768-8000. A copy will be kept on file and used for fire inspections.
- Owner or agent must submit a Work Authorization Request to MSS Management.
- Include contractor/handyman’s information
- Include specs/drawings of the work to be completed.
- MSS Management must authorize request prior to installation.
Louver Specifictaions
- Fire rating: 20/45/60/90 minute.
- Maximum height and width: 18″ X 18″
- Louver frame: galvanized or stainless steel.
- Louvers: stainless steel.
- Louver frame color: aluminum or the same as the door.
- Paint is available from MSS Office. Bring a container.
- Must be installed in the lower center of the door.
- Louvers and frame must be kept in good condition and free of rust.