Management Company Effective Dec. 1, 2023
Hawaiiana Contacts
- Management Executive at Hawaiiana
George Yamasaki (808)593-6328 - Questions About Your Account
Jane Najera (808)593-6357
Introducing Hawaiiana Management Company, Ltd.
Effective December 1, 2023, Makaha Surfside has a new management company. Owner information has been transferred from Hawaiian Properties to Hawaiiana Mangement Company, Ltd. Hawaiiana has used that information to mail Welcome Packets to owners.
If you did not receive the information packet from Hawaiiana, please email or call Jane Najera and refer to the links below to setup your payments and update your mailing address with Hawaiiana.
Maintenance Fee Payments
If you previously used Surepay with Hawaiian Properties, please login and cancel that autopayment. You now have options to pay online with E-Check, Credit or Debit Cards or automatically with Hawaiiana’s SurePay service. Find an online method that works best for you at Hawaiiana
Update Your Mailing Address
Update your billing or correspondance address for your account online and sign up for email communications from Hawaiiana. Update your address at Hawaiiana

Large Item Pick Up
LIMITS: Each individual condo may discard up to 5 bulky items per collection appointment. For kitchen appliances, a separate appointment needs to be made, with a max. of 2 appliances.
COOPERATION: Neighbors can make a combined list together if they do not have the maximum number of items allowed.
RECYCLING: Check the list of re-use organizations to see if they can benefit from your donation. If unsure about the disposal process, call the City office (808) 768-3200
SCHEDULING: and scroll down under “Quick Links” to “Make a Bulky Appointment.” Collaborating owners submit the combined list to the city’s website with 1 unit/owner as the point of contact. If you are not able to schedule online, contact the MSS office with a list and short description of your bulky items.